Apache Airflow support for python-oracledb
Jul 7, 2022
A community contribution has upgraded the Apache Airflow provider for Oracle Database from the Python cx_Oracle driver namespace to use its new name python-oracledb. Since python-oracledb doesn’t need Oracle Client libraries, this means installation just got a lot easier.
If you don’t know what Airflow is, from its website:
“Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows.”
Thanks Leonard Meerwood, Jarek Potiuk and Đặng Minh Dũng for getting the upgrade merged!
- Apache Airflow provider:
- Python-oracledb Home page: oracle.github.io/python-oracledb
- Installation instructions: python-oracledb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html
- Documentation: python-oracledb.readthedocs.io
- Questions: github.com/oracle/python-oracledb/discussions
- Source Code Repository: github.com/oracle/python-oracledb